parish forms

Event Reservations:

The following form is to request facility space on Epiphany’s Campus. For additional assistance, please contact the parish office at (941) 484-3505.

Request Here

Bulletin announcements:

The following form is to request facility space in Epiphany’s weekly bulletin. For additional assistance, please contact the parish office at (941) 484-3505 or Email Us Here

Mass Intention Book 2025 OPENING APRIL 9, 2024!

Mass Intentions can be requested online or at the Parish Office. The stipend requested is $10 per intention. There is a reservation maximum of 4 intentions per family. Please note, the 11:00 am Mass Intentions have been reserved for Parishioners. It is NOT available as an option to request an intention. Also, Mass Intentions for Easter 2025 and Christmas 2025 have been reserved for Parishioners. Masses are NOT available for these dates. Per Canon Law, only one Mass Intention is permitted per Mass. For in-person ordering, cash or check is required. Click HERE for online requests and follow the instructions below (a credit card and an email are required):

1. At the top right-hand corner of the screen, click the drop-down menu to pick the month in 2025 for the Mass Intention;
2. Click on one of the BLUE “Intention Available” box on the date and time for the Mass Intention (if the time box is gray, that time is no longer available);
3. Fill in required fields and click “Add to Cart”;
4. Once all intentions are in Cart (reservation max of 4 intentions), go to your Cart at top right of the screen to check out;
5. Proceed to Payment and complete requested information; Click “Save and Continue”;
6. You will receive a confirmation email within 48 hours.

If you have questions, please contact the Parish Office at 941-484-3505.

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