
Volunteer Catechists Come from Many Walks of Life

They are people who have answered a call to minister to our children/youth/adults and who have prepared in a variety of ways to serve as catechists. Above all, they are people for whom faith is important enough to share. While our parish Faith Formation Program does have a professional staff, our catechists help fulfill the goals of the ministry as the volunteer staff of the program. The professional staff could not fulfill the ministry of this program without your service to others in our parish community.

The Church Teaches That the Primary Responsibility for the Spiritual Growth and Development of the Children Rests First and Foremost with the Parents.

Parents may share the responsibility with others, but they do not relinquish it. The Church assists the parents in passing on their faith through the ministry of catechesis. Catechists echo the Catholic faith in a way that those being catechized (children, youth, adults) can understand. Catechists must do more than merely teach about their faith. They help children/youth/adults build and strengthen their relationship with Jesus and the Church. Catechists do this by proclaiming the Word, building a sense of community, leading to prayer and worship, and encouraging loving service to others. Catechists also lead others to faith through their example and by living a life consistent with the teachings of the Church.

We have as the highest priority to protect God’s Children, the young and vulnerable adults. All Catechists are required to be fingerprinted and take a course in Protecting Children and Vulnerable Adults.

All volunteers in the Diocese of Venice are required to complete a Volgistics Volunteer Application.

Click Here to Register

All persons interested in being a Catechist should contact the Religious Education Department at 941-484-3505 or email Carson Stecklein,  Director of Religious Education at

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