Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Daily & Weekend

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion have the privilege of assisting bishops, priests, and deacons in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ.

Meet: Annual training is conducted in the fall and as needed throughout the year for new stewards.

Contact: Barbara Koehler (941) 484-9664 or Email Barbara Here

                 Emily Sarnecke (941) 488-6983 or Email Emily Here


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion distribute Holy Communion to those parishioners who are homebound, in nursing homes or other circumstances that prevent them from attending Mass. Training and Fingerprinting are required.

Contact:  Kathleen Ridel, (727) 410-7582 or email her at


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are given the special honor of administering Holy Communion to those parishioners who are in the hospital. Training and Fingerprinting are required

Contact: Kathy Allen, (908) 246-6509

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